Course description
Course Description:
The MA in Welsh History is designed to act as a self-regulated year of further study, and provide a preparatory year for PhD candidates, giving a thorough grounding in research skills and methods,
theoretical concepts and the technique of conducting and writing up an independent research project. Consisting partly of taught courses and partly of independent research, it draws together the range of chronological, geographical and historiographical expertise in Welsh history to provide a flexible programme of study.
The MA in Welsh History comprises three core elements, with teaching and research tailored to the interests of individual students. In Part One, students take the core course Historical Theory and Historical Method, which is designed to act as an introduction to the use of theory in history, with an emphasis on the practical implications for the writing of history. Students also take Research Skills and Methods, which provides specific skills training, such as research and writing skills and palaeography and two further tailored skills modules related to their own research interests and needs in Welsh History. In addition, students undertake two related optional courses in early modern and/or modern Welsh history. Our flexible programme of study permits the content of options to vary from year to year.
Recent options have included:
* Society and Identity in Wales, 1840-1914
* Twentieth Century Wales
* The Welsh Overseas
* Politics and Society in Early Modern Wales
* Order and Disorder in Early Modern Society
* Industrialisation in England and Wales
Assessment is via written examinations or assessed essays depending on the courses chosen.
Part Two: comprises a dissertation on a topic of the student’s choice, and is a maximum of 20,000 words in length submitted in September.