Comments about Systems Thinking Practice - At the institution - Bedfordshire - England
The Systems Thinking Practice MSc aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of those in positions in their mid-career decision-making roles or part of strategy development.
The broad purpose of the Systems Thinking Practitioner occupation is to support decision-makers in strategic and leadership roles to understand and address complex and sometimes even ‘multi-layered’ problems through provision of expert systemic analysis.
Course Delivery:
Our education philosophy is led by the basic principles of:
The course is taught through a blend of on-site and remote methods. Three modules are taught as residential modules, combining face-to-face lecturing, workshops and group work. Two modules begin with a short residential period, and then continue to completion in the workplace. Four of the core modules are taught through our learning portal providing flexibility to the student. Two modules begin on-site, but are then completed through practice in the workplace, with remote mentoring by Cranfield academic staff.
Full use will be made of blended learning, combining distance learning material via the VLE with online and onsite workshops. A wide variety of remote learning methods and materials will be used across the course. This is structured around a core of online lecture material and supporting text, with additional multimedia methods employed to maximise student learning time and approaches. This may include audio podcasts and audio-visual multimedia-based resources.
Other programs related to strategic leadership
Institution: Cranfield University - School of Management
+ Information by E-mailAdvanced Materials MSc/MTech/PgCert/PgDip
Institution: Cranfield University - School of Applied Sciences
+ Information by E-mail