Course description
This programme is a qualifying route into specialist design and technology teaching at secondary school level. Students develop the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to teach design and technology to standards required by the National Curriculum. Students also acquire team skills by working closely with students from different backgrounds and occupational experience.
This programme gives substantial training in the core areas of design, drawing, graphics and problem solving, and offers the specialist fields of electronics, resistant materials and textiles. The strong use of information and communication technology (ICT), including computer-aided design (CAD), is central to all project work.
Students are formally assessed against the national statutory requirements for the award of Qualified Teacher Status, and can then be recommended for QTS.
Year 1
* Design Graphics
* Manufacturing
* The Curriculum, Learning and Teaching
* School Experience 1
* Theories of Learning in Education
* Organising and Managing Learning
* Electronic Systems and Control
* Mechanical Systems and Control
Year 2
* Student Initiated Project - Design
* Student Initiated Project - Manufacture
* Individual Learning Needs
* Assessment, Recording and Reporting
* Micro-Electronic Systems and Control
* The Extended Role of the Teacher
* School Experience 2
* School Experience 3
* Professional Portfolio