Comments about Radiography (MSc-PgDip-PgCert) - At the institution - Cardiff - Cardiff - Cardiff - Wales
The course offers knowledge and expertise to develop students’ evaluative, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and to increase their practical and theoretical knowledge of radiography, so that they can apply these skills in the further advancement of their profession.
Entry requirements
Entry Requirements:
The course is suitable for qualified diagnostic/therapeutic radiographers with at least two years’ clinical experience.
Students admitted to the course should be in possession of:
* Either a first degree or a UK diploma in the relevant field.
* Normally, two years of fieldwork/clinical education.
Academic title
Radiography (MSc/PgDip/PgCert)
Course description
Course Description:
The course is structured in a modular format. Students complete modules totalling 120 M-level credits to be eligible for the Postgraduate Diploma. All students complete a compulsory generic module in Research Methods in Health and Social Care (30 credits).
Full-time students undertake all modules during one academic year, while part-time students undertake modules over two years, in order to achieve the Postgraduate Diploma. Each module is assessed individually by assessment procedures, all of which will consist of prepared work rather than unseen examination papers.
Students who proceed to successful completion of a research project and subsequent dissertation will be eligible for the award of a Master of Science degree.
Special Features:
* Additional free-standing non profession specific modules are available to complement the core modules.