Course description
Duration: 3 Months Intensive Full-Time Objectives:By
the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates
will be able to:
Ø Explain the objectives and
principles of the United Nations;
Ø Determine the original
members of UN and the rules pertaining to UN membership;
Ø Identify the budgeting
process of the UN from submission to approval;
Ø Illustrate, with period or
dates, the progressive development of International Organisations;
Ø Discuss the approaches to the
study of international organisations;
Ø Identify the structures and
organisations of UN and describe their powers and functions;
Ø Exhibit their comprehension
of The United Nations, as an International Organisation, with specific relation
to its:
and their Functions;
Telecom Delegation;
and Power centralization
United Nations Security Council;
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), its function, related agencies and current
involvement, specifically:
Economic Forum for the Middle East;
Emergency Network;
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and nuclear security.
Ø Internalize
the phenomenon of globalization as, even though controversial, might be
explained as the increasing worldwide integration in communications, culture,
and economics;
Ø Define
Globalization in relation to the increasing worldwide integration of communications,
culture, and economics;
Ø Take
a lead in the current debate relating to globalization and national culture,
specifically how one might support or distract from the advancement or
maintenance of the other;
Ø Explain
the inception of the World Trade Agreement (WTA) and the prospect that it was
seem to have held at that time;
Ø Give
a brief explanation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the level of the
current membership;
Ø Explain
what dumping means and how it’s viewed by host nations;
Ø Conversant
with the sunset agreement and its implications for the parties involved;
Ø Demonstrate
a heightened understanding of the pre-existing and persistent trade war between
United States and the United Kingdom;
Ø Indicate
the requirement for detecting and validating dumping;
Ø Provide
cases to support their explanation of countervailing dumping measures;
Ø Use
the relationship between China and India on the one hand on the majority of the
WTO membership, on the other;
Ø Explain
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the primary objectives of
its establishments;
Ø Demonstrate
an understanding of GATT and analysis the winners and losers;
Ø Explain
the progress towards and obstacles affecting a unitary GATT system;
Ø List
at least five services covered by the General Agreement of Trade in Services
Ø Outline
the inspection of GATS and its effectiveness;
Ø List
the main objectives of GATS and the extent to which they have so far been
Ø List
at least 10 participants of GATS agreement;
Ø Explain
the main rationale to the current opposition to GATS;
Ø Propose
a strategy for protecting National and International frontiers, whiles insuring
continuing participations in GATS;
Ø Suggest
how National Sovereignty might be protected in the light of the GATS;
Ø Use
cases to illustrate the conflict that persists between National Security and
free service promotion under GATS;
Ø Use
the case of US Ports Authority (P and O Ferries) and the (Dubai Ports
Authority) to support the nation that there is some element of protectionism in
the international service trade agreement under GATS;
Ø Evaluate
the US Stance towards GATS particularly in the light of the Cancun;
Ø Chart
the progression of GATS in Europe, particularly evaluating the international
free trade of (GATS) within original free trade (EC);
Ø Debate
on GATS vs. market in infiltration; and
Ø Illustrate
UK’s attribute towards GATS, drawing conclusions as to wither she is at odes
with the rest of Europe.
Ø Determine the formalities and
rules applicable for visa arrangements and processing;
Ø Identify the different ways
of visa processing, arrangements and the common requirements observed in
various countries;
Ø Make proper coordination with
hotels for visa processing;
Ø Identify the requirements for
arranging business travel;
Ø Get acquainted with the
immigration regulations and requirements to ensure convenient travel;
Ø Develop a heightened
understandingabout the nature of strategic public relations;
Ø Learn the tactical skills
required for working in strategic public relations;
Ø Make smart and practical
hotel and airline reservation;
Ø Develop strategies in
planning, organising and managing as part of their protocol duties;
Ø Make special arrangements and
planning for vehicular convoys;
Ø Employ strategies to
encourage enthusiastic participation and contribution in the meetings;
Ø Appreciate the importance of
resonation during meetings;
Ø Distinguish the difference
between groupthink and teamthink;
Ø Know the different
personality types and their corresponding influences;
Ø Define group dynamics;