The CPDA, formerly known as the Aerospace Integrated Graduate Development Schement (IGDS), is a flexible part-time modular scheme jointly run by the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol, acting in partnership with industry and other universities. Delegates from companies and organisations from across the aerospace industry and related sectors come together to undertake selected technical and management modules, within the fields of Aerospace, Design, Manufacture and Management. Modules can be taken either as part of a postgraduate qualification (Certificate, Diploma, MSc or Engineering Doctorate), or on an individual basis as short courses. Since the Scheme first began in 1991, the CPDA has expanded significantly to incorporate the needs of other industries as well as Aerospace. It also allows non-graduates to apply for entry on to a postgraduate programme. The Scheme's new title of CPDA therefore represents these recent changes. Each module is one week in length (Monday - Friday) and consists of approximately 35 hours contact time, including lectures, demonstrations, visits, laboratory work, tutorials and case studies. The emphasis is on industrial applications and shared work experience, and there are contributions from eminent speakers from partner universities and industry. Each module also includes approximately 10 - 15 hours of pre-module preparation and 50 hours of post-module directed study or assignment work. Assignment tasks are company-based to ensure the maximum benefit to the sponsoring company. Modules are normally held at UWE, the University of Bristol or the Engineering Employers Federation Offices in Clifton, Bristol. Module fees include all course material and meals, but exclude accommodation and travel costs.