Comments about Pre Masters (Art and Design) - Online
This course is intended for graduates who wish to progress to taught and research Masters programmes in Art and Design at art college or university in the UK. The course may also benefit graduates in other disciplines who wish to undertake postgraduate level study in Art and Design.
The emphasis throughout is on investigative drawing, media experimentation, creative development and visual and written communication. The theory and practice of Art and Design in an historical and contemporary context forms an integral part of the programme. Students will examine research methods and will be encouraged to engage in personal reflective practice throughout their studies.
The focus of the Pre Masters course is primarily on English language development, on knowledge and skills related to the critical use of information sources, on level 3 research skills, as well as the development of study skills. The skills students are introduced to are not generic, instead they are specifically related to art and design disciplines:
English language study: focuses on specialist language uses related to the study of art and design
study skills and information skills: focuses on the methods of study and investigation which are part of art and design study, in particular the creative process and the use of sources and processes to support it
subject study: studying the subjects that make up art and design through project working; students study specialist modules focusing on a specific art art or design discipline in order to develop deeper knowledge and skills
Critical and Contextual Studies: focuses on understanding the social and cultural context for art and design, as well as the theoretical frameworks for interpreting cultural artefacts
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