Course description
Course Structure
The standard course lasts for one academic year or 33 weeks of study. It is divided into 3 Modules, each of progressively increasing difficulty. Each Module is taught as a full-time course over one semester (11 weeks). Because it is a flexible modular programme, the Diploma can also be completed in two semesters or in one semester as a fast-track course. Your entry level of English will determine the length of course you need to do. As a rough guide, if your level of English is Intermediate, you will need to do all three semesters, if you are at Upper-Intermediate level, you should be able to complete the Diploma in two semesters and if you are already at Post-Intermediate, you will probably need just one semester of study.
Course Content
You will study modules that will raise the level of your General and Academic English and prepare you for a postgraduate course by giving you further expertise in the subject area of your Masters degree. The modules cover:-
* General English language improvement (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation)
* Listening and Note-Taking in seminars and lectures
* Reading academic books, journals and articles
* Appropriate use of subject-specific academic vocabulary
* How to write essays and dissertations in the correct academic style
* How to carry out, write up and present independent research
* How to develop effective learning strategies and self-study skills
* Orientation to British culture and a British university community
* Lectures and seminars with tutors from your future post-graduate subject department.