Comments about Postgraduate Diploma Construction Adjudication - At the institution - London - Greater London
Entry requirements
For qualified lawyers and construction industry professionals who are already adjudicators, intending adjudicators or who wish to represent parties in construction adjudications or to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the issues which arise in adjudications and the procedure involved.
Academic title
PG Cert Construction Adjudication
Course description
Programme description
- Introduces the key legal doctrines in construction.
- Analyses the scope and procedures of adjudication.
- Develops skills to participate in adjudications.
There are four short taught modules (two each term): Module A, Introduction to Law or Module A(L), Construction Technology for Lawyers; Module B, Construction Law I; Module D, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution; Module E, Decision-Writing for Adjudicators. The teaching in Modules A, B and D is partly shared with students on the London MSc programme taking larger versions of the same modules.
Programme format and assessment
Four taught modules assessed by written examinations. Most modules include assessed coursework.