Comments about Performing Engineering Operations (Mechanical Engineering) - Course - At the institution - Bromley - Greater London
Entry requirements
Entry requirements Taster day with assessment in English and Maths.
Course description
General information
This course provides candidates with the foundation basic skills required within mechanical engineering. Subjects areas delivered cover a wide range of engineering skills, which can be adapted throughout many vocational areas. The qualification is nationally recognised and can be used at level 2 to form part of a Foundation Modern Apprenticeship (FMA).
Course content
The student is instructed in basic workshop health and safety, whilst carrying out a variety of engineering skills. Working safely in an engineering environment the units include:
* Developing yourself and working with others
* Using Technical Information Engineering
* Hand fitting techniques
* Machining techniques.
Teaching and assessment
Direct observation of practical activities, carried out and externally set, combined with written knowledge questions provided in our engineering workshops.