Course description
The MSc Nutritional Science course has been specifically designed to develop your understanding of the science underpinning nutritional principles in relation to human health. The course focuses on the biochemical and physiological aspects that link dietary intake to the prevention of diet related diseases, but also covers topics related to Legislation, Government Policy, Food Development and Food Analysis. You will gain practical experience of a range of modern methods and techniques used in nutritional research, including laboratory and survey-based techniques.
The curriculum encourages the development of key transferable skills that are valued by employers with an emphasis on project management, critical thinking, problem solving and independent learning.
Advanced Nutrition - This module is designed to develop your understanding of the role of the nutritionist/dietician in the management of diseases, including diet related diseases. The application of the principles of clinical nutrition (including study of the biochemical basis, dietary intervention, treatment and care strategies) to a number of diseases will be covered to illustrate the role of practitioners.
Nutrition and Food Policy - This module is designed to develop your knowledge of policy development and implementation in health promotion and disease prevention. Policy aspects will be reviewed in the context of the current agencies involved (e.g. FSA, WHO, SACN) and the ways by which policies evolve over time in response to emerging research.
Nutrient Analysis and Sensory Perception - This module will help you to develop your understanding of the scientific principles and practical methods which underlie the development of new food products, including formulation, sensory evaluation of products (eg taste, appearance) and nutrient analysis for labelling and quality assurance purposes. You will look at the procedures involved in developing new and existing products from product concept to product launch (including packaging, labelling, marketing, pricing and advertising). The principles of sensory evaluation of food will be discussed, including the relevant physiological aspects of the senses such as taste thresholds. Finally you will study sensory evaluation methodology and industrially accepted methods for nutrient analysis.
Aspects of Food Processing or Bioethics (optional modules) - This module covers Aspects of Food Processing, which covers the principal processes used in the food industry for the preservation of foods including thermal preservation, freezing, dehydration and the use of preservatives. The Bioethics module will aim to raise your awareness of a range of ethical dilemmas and issues that stem from the impact of science and technology on society.
Graduate Science Research Methods -This module will help you to develop your skills in the use of the literature and in quantitative methods. You will learn how to evaluate and contribute to the scientific literature and to interpret and disseminate scientific information. You will appreciate the desirable properties of research design and be able to select an experimental design appropriate to a given system and create the design matrix. You will be able to select, apply, and interpret the output from statistical methods of data analysis and evaluate the results of statistical analyses as applied to a given data set.
Subject Exploration - This module is designed to provide you with an opportunity for advanced exploration into a subject area of interest so that you can develop a critical appreciation of primary research within a relevant field and apply your pre-existing scientific/technical knowledge. It will also enable you to further develop your key skills including information retrieval, evaluative, analytical, and problem solving skills.
Project - This module will give you the opportunity to carry out a research-based dissertation, encompassing a wet-laboratory based, computer-based or theoretically-based project. All projects will include the development of research skills and discussion of results as well as an opportunity to compose a written dissertation.
You will benefit from modern laboratory facilities including designated laboratories for Food Technology, Sensory Evaluation, Food Analysis, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. There is also specialised computer software for dietary evaluation and statistical analysis and you will be able to use the facilities throughout the campus including the Library.
The modules are assessed via combinations of coursework, laboratory reports and seminar presentations.
The course will enhance your career opportunities in the nutrition, food and health industries, or prepare you for further academic research. Graduates may apply for Associate Nutritionist Registration to join the voluntary register of nutritionists currently governed by the Nutrition Society.