MSc-PgDip-PgCert Management - Distance

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Comments about MSc-PgDip-PgCert Management - Online

  • Entry requirements
    Entry requirements Normally you need one of the following • a good first degree • an equivalent recognised professional qualification, in any discipline and substantial knowledge, experience and skills in a relevant field. We consider applicants without a first degree on the basis of their professional and work experience and any other formal qualifications that they hold. The course uses our procedures for accreditation of prior learning. This allows us to take appropriate masters level credits into account towards the postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma and masters awards.
  • Academic title
    MSc/PgDip/PgCert Management
  • Course description
    This is a flexible programme of study which allows you to tailor your learning to meet your needs or those of your organisation. It is for those wishing to build on existing skills and experience or who want to change direction.

    The optional modules available enable you to choose from a wide range of management topics.

    We recruit throughout the year and because of the programme’s flexibility you can organise your study to fit in with your personal and work-related commitments.

    You can take individual modules with or without academic assessment. Or you can take an arranged course of study with academic assessment. This would lead to a postgraduate award in management at masters, diploma or certificate level, depending on your requirements.

    The programme gives continuing professional development at all levels and includes
    • flexible timescales
    • recognition of prior relevant management qualifications
    • advice on module selection
    • the opportunity to take course breaks without loss of achieved academic credit
    • assignments and assessments related to your normal work

    The fees for the programme and workshop are based on a pay-as-you go arrangement at the point of delivery.

    This programme maximises your career development. It also provides employers with people who can use their knowledge and abilities to plan strategy and achieve organisational goals.

    Associated careers

    We designed the programme to increase your career development potential.

    It offers flexible leadership and management development training, and provides the important link between your workplace experience and continuing professional development.

    Previous graduates have gained employment in companies and organisations such as • Northern General Hospital NHS Trust • Bassetlaw District Council • Salford University • Parkside Community Trust.

    Course content

    Postgraduate certificate core modules
    • the nature of management (this is an open-learning module) • work-based learning

    Choose from modules including • human resources • marketing • finance • communications and IT systems • consultancy • management theory and practice • international business • mentoring and coaching.

    Postgraduate diploma core modules
    • developing strategies for change • strategic thinking and analysis

    Two from • human resources • marketing • finance • communications and IT systems • consultancy • management theory and practice • international business • mentoring and coaching

    • research methods (normally a two day workshop) • dissertation – an in depth project based on a live management issue in an organisation

Other programs related to business management (others)

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