MSc-PgDip-PgCert Business Intelligence - Distance

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Comments about MSc-PgDip-PgCert Business Intelligence - Online

  • Entry requirements
    This course is for graduates wanting to further develop their understanding of a particular subject and carry out research that will lead to an MPhil or PhD.
  • Academic title
    MSc/PgDip/PgCert Business Intelligence
  • Course description
    We provide comprehensive research training through our MA Social Science Research Methods. We also provide support from a supervisory team in areas linked to all our research centres. These include
    • Centre for Individual and Organisational Development
    • Facilities Management Graduate Centre
    • Centre for International Hospitality Management Research
    • Centre for International Tourism Research

    Your supervisory team includes a director of studies and a second supervisor with expertise and interest in your research area. However, you do much of the work for a research degree on your own and you need the self-drive and motivation to finish a course of research extending over several years.

    Achieving an MPhil or PhD shows your ability to carry out academic research that you can defend as being methodologically justifiable and an original contribution to academic knowledge. It is your demonstration of this ability that determines your suitability for the award.

    A doctorate can lead to career advancement in public, private or voluntary organisations, academia or consultancies.
    Business intelligence involves gathering and analysing detailed business information. It is vital to the performance of successful organisations.

    This course is for graduates and experienced professionals looking to apply analytical business and systems development skills to the area of business intelligence.

    You examine best practice and established theory. You also work with real case studies to explore the complex challenges that organisations currently face.

    We make extensive use of SAS® software that effectively delivers business intelligence solutions to organisations.

    We have a track record of working with industry and organisations to produce tailor-made packages to suit individual needs. If you or your organisation would like to explore this possibility, please contact us to talk about it further.

    Distance learning modules normally take two months.

    Associated careers

    This course equips you to act as a business information professional by exploiting business intelligence to deliver information solutions.

    Course content

    The course explores a wide range of contemporary issues including
    • data warehousing and data mining theory and practice
    • tools and techniques for delivering business intelligence
    • information and knowledge management
    • implementation and exploitation of emerging technologies

    Entry requirements

    Normally a degree equal to a British 2.1 in a numeracy discipline. We consider applicants without a degree based on their work experience and other formal qualifications they hold.

    You should be able to demonstrate the technical, logical and conceptual skills required to train as a business analyst. You should also have the personal skills needed to develop into an effective consultant, implementer and change manager.

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