MSc-PgDip Data Telecommunications and Networks

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Comments about MSc-PgDip Data Telecommunications and Networks - At the institution - Salford - Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester

  • Objectives
    Students gain a comprehensive understanding of techniques used to transmit digital information, modern computer network design and operation, communication protocols and the importance of standards and regulatory issues. These subjects are supplemented by modules in technical and administration management techniques and by an industry-sponsored seminar programme. MSc students also undertake an individual project.
  • Entry requirements
    This programme is for students who want to become trained professionals in computer network and modern telecommunications fields.
  • Academic title
    MSc/PgDip Data Telecommunications and Networks
  • Course description
    Modules to be studied include:

    -Computer Networks
    -Programming for Network Systems
    -Wireless Communication
    -Network Security
    -Network Architectures and Design
    -Network Quality of Service
    -Research Methods
    -Management Principles and Practice
    -Project and Dissertation.

    Graduates with experience of computer network systems and digital communications are in demand in all industrial and commercial sectors. The employment record for the MSc is good, with students obtaining jobs in traditional telecommunication companies, software development companies and companies in the service and commercial sectors. Typical jobs range from network design engineers, network maintenance, software development, systems design and integration, marketing, after-sales support and technical support.

    Modules offered on this programme
    Module information is provided to give you an overview of the modules typically available for this programme and not a guarantee of the final programme structure. If you are interested in a specific module, please confirm with the admissions tutor that it will be offered for your cohort.

    MSc: one year, full-time
    PgDip: nine months, full-time Part-time duration varies and is dependent upon how many modules are studied each year

    Entry requirements
    -An honours degree (second-class or above) in an appropriate subject, such as electronic or electrical engineering, computer science or physics
    -Other subjects with a high technical content will be considered individually. Please submit a syllabus with your application form
    -We welcome applications from students with alternative qualifications and/or significant relevant experience, subject to approval through a process of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). For further details, contact the School
    -International students must provide evidence of a proficiency in English, please see page 37 in this brochure for further details.

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