Course description
Course Description
The course is aimed at filling the gap between traditional financial analysts and the new breed of traders who are taking on board cognitive psychology as well as mathematical methods to manage risk attached to financial decision making. The structure therefore includes mathematical modules, accounting, management and finance modules, and psychology modules.
Teaching and Assessment Methods
A: Knowledge and Understanding
Learning Outcomes
A1 : A range of ideas concerning mathematics, finance, and cognitive psychology including methods appropriate in specialized applications and some knowledge of relevant probabilistic/statistical/computing/decision making ideas.
A2 : How to formulate algorithms to solve problems.
A3 : Some of the ways in which apparently disparate parts of the subject may interconnect.
A4 : One or more current areas of research in mathematics, finance, and psychology including an awareness of the development of these areas of research.
Teaching Methods
A1, A2, and A3 are principally acquired through the coherent programmes of lectures, exercises and problem classes. These are supplemented, where appropriate, by the use of computers, computer packages, textbooks, handouts and on-line material.
In most courses there is regular set work. This work is marked and this process informs the course teacher of common difficulties that require extra attention during the subsequent problem classes.
A4 is principally acquired through the preparation of an essay and a thesis on specialized topics. During the production of their written work, students are expected to extend and enhance the basic course material concerning internet searching and the production of mathematical texts. The research guidance during the summer is a critical aspect of this training.
Assessment Methods
Knowledge and understanding are assessed through coursework, examinations, essays and the summer dissertation.
B: Intellectual/Cognitive Skills
Learning Outcomes
B1 : Analyse a mass of information and carry out an appropriate analysis of the problem material.
B2 : Express a problem in mathematical terms and carry out an appropriate analysis.
B3 : Reason critically and interpret information in a manner that can be communicated effectively.
B4 : Integrate and link information across course components.
B5 : Under guidance of a supervisor, plan and carry out a piece of research and present the results in a coherent fashion.
Teaching Methods
B1-3 These skills are developed through the regular coursework exercises. In seeking to answer these exercises students become accustomed to identifying key facts in a body of information. The problems classes provide back-up as required.
B4-5 These skills are initiated during the course of the preparation of the essay and are further developed during the course of the summer project.
Assessment Methods
The level of attainment of these skills is assessed through coursework, the summer examinations, and through examination of the summer project.
C: Practical Skills
Learning Outcomes
C1 : Model problems in Finance using relevant mathematical tools.
C2 : Analyse and evaluate financial and company data
C3 : Use computer programmes and/or packages.
C4 : Use a mathematical word-processing package.
C5 : Make an effective literature search.
C6 : Prepare a technical report.
C7 : Give a presentation and defend their ideas in an interview.
Teaching Methods
C1-C2 are developed through the programme of lectures, regular exercises and computer work.
C3-C5 are developed during the course of the preparation of the essay and the thesis.
C6-C7 are developed in MA902
Assessment Methods
C1-C2 is assessed by the regular coursework and examinations.
C3 is assessed in this way and also by any computer output that forms part of the summer project
C4-C7 are assessed through the MA902 essay and summer thesis.
D: Key Skills
Learning Outcomes
D1 : Write clearly and effectively
D2 : Use computer packages and/or programming languages for data analysis and computation.
D3 : Enhance existing numerical ability
D4 : Choose the appropriate method of inquiry in order to address a range of practical and theoretical problems.
D5 : Learn from feedback and respond appropriately and effectively to supervision and guidance
D6 : Work pragmatically to meet deadlines.
Teaching Methods
D1 is promoted by the supervisor of the essay and thesis work and by class teachers' feedback on written solutions to problems.
D2 results from the coursework associated with various lecture courses.
D3 is a natural consequence of courses with high numeric content.
D4 is a consequence of the coursework, problems classes, lectures and laboratory work.
D5-D6 result from a tightly timetabled course of lectures and submission dates that require the student to effectively organise time to meet deadlines.
Assessment Methods
Key skills are assessed throughout the degree via coursework, examinations, the essay and the summer project.