Comments about MSc Economics, Banking & Finance - At the institution - Glasgow - Scotland
Entry requirements
This programme is aimed at policymakers in government ministries and central banks in developing countries; postgraduate students who are interested in issues of particular concern to developing countries; and those who work in financial institutions and government organisations involved in decision-making. In particular these graduates should be able to provide economic analysis of financial and banking issues.
Academic title
MSc Economics, Banking & Finance
Course description
You take four core courses
* International macroeconomics and policy
* Money, finance and growth
* Modern theory of banking and finance
* Monetary policy and the role of central banks.
Plus two options and a dissertation. The list of options includes:
* IMF, World Bank and economic growth
* Financial institutions and markets in developing countries
* International finance and money
* Basic econometrics
* Advanced econometrics
* International trade
* Globalisation, trade and economic development
* China in the international economy
* Banking history
* Economic history of East Asia and Japan since 1945
* Financial sector stability and growth
* Other MSc options subject to approval.