Course description
The MSc in Community Education is a one-year programme, which provides academic and professional preparation for students intending to work in a range of settings and contexts. The taught component leads to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma and those receiving the award are recognised as having met the standards required in Scotland for professional practice as a community educator. The MSc is achieved after the successful completion of a dissertation.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the programme of study for the PGDip award, students will be expected to:
* demonstrate understanding and the capacity to apply and integrate the key theoretical frameworks and key concepts relevant to practice in the field of community education;
* demonstrate an informed and critical understanding of the role of the contemporary community educator;
* exercise substantial autonomy in deploying conventional and innovative, original or creative approaches and methods in the planning, delivery and evaluation of educational programmes in community settings;
* deal with complex ethical and professional issues and make informed judgments on issues not addressed by current professional or ethical codes or practices;
* critically reflect upon and be committed to their continuing personal and professional development as a community educator;
* operate as a "reflective practitioner" demonstrating appropriate professional actions and behaviours as indicated in the CeVe (Community Education Validation and Endorsement) Competency Framework.
In addition to the above, by the end of the programme of study for the MSc award, students will be expected to be able to:
* evaluate and use a range of approaches to social and professional enquiry and a variety of methodologies and investigative techniques;
* plan, manage, implement and bring to a successful conclusion a sustained piece of independent research which will make a contribution to our understanding of professional knowledge, policy, practice, values or organisational structures in the field of community education.
How You Will Be Taught
A variety of approaches are used, as appropriate to a programme which seeks to combine Masters-level study and attainment with the pursuit of professional recognition as being "fit to practice" by CeVe. These range from teacher-led and directed activity of a fairly traditional kind to more student-led activity. Due to the professional focus a high value is placed on exploratory and experiential modes of learning and on the acquisition of specific skills in group work, work with individuals and in the preparation and design of educational programmes and activities. The programme gives particular emphasis to professional development and incorporates placement experience.
Programme mode / Structure
Programme Mode:
This degree can be taken full time over 8 months for the PGDip and 12 months for the MSc.
Programme Structure:
• Taught component (6 course units)
• Dissertation component (12000 words)
Programme curriculum
There are four required courses:
• Groupwork in Context
• Professional Practice (includes one full-time block placement - 9 weeks)
• Re-theorising Community
• Community Education: History, Ideology and Practice
To ensure students have the opportunity to develop a degree of special focus within the programme they will choose one Elective A Course from the BA in Community Education programme:
• Working With Young People
• Adult Education
• Community Work
These courses will be supplemented by a further one from postgraduate programmes within Moray House School of Education or from Category A and Category B courses.
Category A
-Curriculum: Context, Change and Development
-International Perspectives on Education and Training
-Nature of Enquiry
-Philosophical Foundations of Educational Theory, Policy and Practice
-Research Methods
Category B
-Adult Education and Life Long Learning
-Child and Adolescent Development
-Computers in Learning and Teaching
-Curriculum: Context, Change and Development
-Educational Leadership and School Development
-Educational Planning and Administration
-Ethics and Education
-International Perspectives on Education and Training
-Learners, Learning and Teaching
-Methodological Challenge of the International
-Nature of Enquiry
-Philosophical Foundations of Educational Theory, Policy and Practice
-Professionalism and the Character of Reflective Practice
-Qualitative Data Analysis
-Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS
-Research Methods
Other option areas:
• Courses from MSc GSSPS programmes
• Courses from MSc programmes within The Moray House School of Education
• Courses from other Schools within the College of Hunanities and Social Science
Please Note: Not all units run every year. If there are fewer than six students, a unit will not be delivered.