Comments about MMedSci Clinical Communication Studies - At the institution - Sheffield - South Yorkshire
To provide high-quality learning resources and curriculum based on current research and scholarship. To develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the graduate to work as a speech and language therapist. To develop the necessary competencies to assess and manage communication and swallowing disorders. To provide the academic and professional skills required for evidence-based practice and lifelong learning.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements First or 2.1 honours degree including a large component of study in a relevant field, such as; -Psychology -Linguistics -Biomedical Science Candidates with degrees in non-cognate fields will be considered if they can demonstrate a record of working in an area relevant to speech and language therapy (eg as an Speeach annd Language Therapy Assistant). All short-listed applicants are interviewed and will be expected to demonstrate some degree of work experience relevant to speech and language therapy.
Academic title
MMedSci Clinical Communication Studies
Course description
Course content
There are six curriculum tracks:
-Biomedical Sciences
-Participation and Society
-Research methods
-Key clinical skills
-Clinical practice.
-computer assisted learning
-Observation and supervised clinical practice in a variety of clinical settings.
-Continuous assessment of clinical work, case presentations, clinical examination.