Course description
Programme description
- Unrivalled location allows students access to cosmopolitan and vibrant religious traditions.
- Close links and regular fieldwork trips to religious centres and communities in London offering many opportunities to examine the religious experience of living communities.
- Unique opportunity to engage in comparative study of the three monotheistic traditions (Christianity, Judaism & Islam) in the contemporary world.
This unique interdisciplinary course is designed to develop your knowledge and skills in social science and humanities and to encourage your constructive, critical and independent thought in this field. While focusing on Christianity, Islam and Judaism, the course will allow you to specialise in broad issues cutting across these traditions and societies (for example fundamentalism, new religions, or religious pluralism), or to concentrate on a particular society or religion. Moreover, you will master a number of transferable skills that are necessary for professional expertise in a range of areas, from the academic study of religion to public policy and pastoral care.
Programme format and assessment
Taught core and optional modules assessed by coursework and/or examination plus a 15,000 word dissertation
One year FT, two years PT, September to September.