Course description
MSc/PG Dip
One year full-time, two years part-time
Programme description
This programme is run jointly by Queen Mary, University of London and City University. This highly practical programme aims to enable you to develop the skills and knowledge to become a leader in public health, health economics or food policy and practice. By the end of the programme, you will also have the opportunity to cover the majority of the skills and knowledge required for the MFPHM part 1 examination. We believe that this programme is the only one of its kind in the UK and one of only two in Europe. It offers students from a wide range of disciplines the opportunity to study practical aspects of public health with a strong emphasis on urban renewal, food policy or health economics.
Programme outline
The Programme offers four routes:
* Generic Public Health route
* Health Economics route
* Food Policy route
* Specialist Practice
Each unit includes 30 hours of group teaching. Students are also expected to spend 120 hours for each unit on private study (reading, preparation for sessions, project work and assignments).
The MSc requires the completion of eight modules and a dissertation. Diploma students will be required to complete eight modules only. Assessment varies per module and may include: essay writing, a policy paper or article suitable for submission for peer review publication, an oral or poster presentation of work, completing a reflective learning diary and completing a grant proposal form. Many or all the projects undertaken by students on this MSc will be closely related to your daily work