Course description
* Developed to interest graduates from a business or design background
* To enhance knowledge and understanding of the principles underlying professional product design
* To enable the student to develop appropriate innovation and entrepreneurial skills enabling viable manufacturing, marketing or business realities.
Outline of programme
The programme requires the student to undertake 10 taught modules and to complete a major project of approximately 15,000 words. Each taught module involves up to 22 contact hours per week, including lectures, tutorials, seminars and project classes. The course will run from October to September with examinations/assessments held in December and March/April. The Research Project explores fully the feasibility of the Major Project, which must be completed by early September.
The seven core modules are:
* Product Design Innovation
* Sustainable Futures
* Advanced CAD
* Research Methodology
* Product Introduction Processes
* Research Project
* Major Innovation Project
Three electives are chosen from:
* CAD Principles and Materials
* Strategic Management
* Finite Element Analysis
* e-Commerce
* EuroStudies
* Computational Fluid Dynamics
Assessment methods are chosen in relation to the particular requirements of a module. These modules vary from 100% examination to 100% continuous assessment. Currently the balance for the core modules element is approximately 30% examination and 70% continuous assessment. The major project accounts for 60 of the 180 credits required for successful completion of the degree.
Career opportunities
This programme is suitable for graduate designers with product, industrial or engineering experience, who seek the opportunity to develop exciting and innovative ideas with the aim of turning them into viable manufacturing, marketing or business realities.