Course description
The MA in Print Media Management is a unique new course, run in partnership with the Heidelberg Print Media Academy in Germany. It is offered in two modes of delivery - a full-time mode over one academic year, and a part-time mode (subject to validation) over two academic years.
As part of the course students spend two separate intensive weeks
at the Print Media Academy - the training centre for Heidelberg Druckmaschinen AG, in Heidelberg, Germany. Here they will have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of new technology, industry trends and new management techniques. They will also benefit from exposure to Heidelberg's senior management, who will conduct question and answer sessions on industry topics of interest to students.
The course combines academic rigour with contemporary management philosophy through the use of lectures, industry visits, guest speakers, case studies, management games, scenario planning, assignments and a major project.
Key aspects of the Course:
. A focus upon the dynamics of technology and market change
. An analysis of technology and organisational change
. Strong links with industry which inform learning and teaching
. Opportunities to study in an area of specific interest
. An educational career that will enhance your career in print media
. Print Media Symposia at Heidelberg Print Media Academy
Phase 1 developments changing markets for management of change. You will plan and design a research project, to develop a Major Project Proposal and spend a week at the Heidelberg Print Media Academy focusing on Print Media Technology.
Phase 2 builds upon strategic thinking in business, marketing, finance and operations. You will also have the opportunity to focus on an elective module. You will spend your second week at the Heidelberg Print Media Academy which will focus on Print Media Business.
Phase 3 you will conduct an extended piece of independent research and the development of a 15,000 word major project.