Course description
The programme is made up of five modules:
1. Introduction to Animation - 30 credits
Through seminars and lectures, practical workshops and projects, you are introduced to a range of practical skills and techniques relevant to the production of animation in a range of different environments.
2. Option Module - 30 credits
At this stage in the course you are able to take one of a series of option modules, each of which have specific sets of concerns related to the practice and theory of art, media and design. The options are:
-Research Methodologies
-Enterprise in the Creative Industries
-Research Methods.
3. Pre-Production for Animation - 30 credits
During this module you will research and develop a script and storyboard for an animated film, forming the basis for subsequent modules. The module culminates in you making a presentation 'pitch' of your ideas to an invited panel of staff and external representatives from the animation industry.
4. Production for Animation - 30 credits
During this module you produce your film. This involves the refinement and development of ideas generated during 'Pre-Production for Animation'. You are expected to develop your film in preparation for post-production and evaluation in the next module.
5. Post-Production and Evaluation - 60 credits
Based on feedback and evaluation from the Production for Animation module, you complete your film and make a critical evaluation of the finished work. You are expected to identify possible clients and to prepare to show your work publicly.
Teaching and learning
You are taught through a series of lectures, seminars, practical workshops and projects.
The course is based in animation studios at Bower Ashton Campus and The Tobacco Factory. They are equipped with high-end Apple Mackintosh and PC computers with industry standard software and DVD authoring facilities as well as state-of-the-art 2D and 3D model animation equipment. You also have access to the School's Media Centre, EPI Centre, 3D Centre, Print Centre and library.
This programme will enable you to:
-Research, produce and direct an animated film;
-Increase your range of technical skills and improve presentation, management and organisation skills;
-Benefit from the opportunities generated by the University's links to the animation industry: networking, screenings, gaining professional contacts