Course description
General programme structure
Photography: The practice of research examines models of photographic practice-based research methodology and gives an opportunity to initiate fields of individual visual and conceptual enquiry. You begin a process of consolidating technical understanding relevant to your practice.
The photobook: historically and now considers the book as a mode of dissemination of ideas and images, through critical examination of photography books, and books illustrated photographically, historically and now.
MA project proposal: through practice, research, seminars, tutorials and workshops you consolidate the work begun in the first module, defining your MA project proposal and testing this thoroughly through practice.
The photobook: production and publishing develops an understanding of the arenas of editing, design, copywriting, print, binding and the distribution and marketing of photographic books within the contemporary fields of book publishing, through seminars, tutorials, exercises, workshops and visits.
MA Photographic project: asks you to resolve an individual project in the form of a photographic book or bookwork/s, with a report or dissertation providing a critical commentary to your practice. The module therefore provides you with a context to consolidate your MA practice