The course will equip students who have the appropriate musical skills with the clinical, theoretical and practical skills required to enter the Music Therapy profession. Graduates of the course will be able to register with the Health Professions Council and able to work within the existing career and grading structure of the NHS, within Education, Social Services and privately.
Entry requirements
It is recommended that applicants have a minimum of five years' post-degree experience in a relevant field of Health, Education or Social Care.
Academic title
MA Music Therapy
Course description
-Music Therapy
-Psychology and Medical Studies
-Professional Practice
-Personal Development
-Health and Social Care Research
Teaching and learning
The course will meet one day per week during two 33 week academic years, plus residential and non-residential weekends and occasional Saturday day-schools. Students are also required to undertake a minimum of 30 hours personal therapy with a qualified therapist during the course. The final MA component will be delivered through workshops, supervisions and distance/independent learning in the third year.
Teaching is based on plenary lectures/seminars, small group practical sessions and individual tutorials. There is a strong experiential bias to the course which is led by a core staff of experienced Music Therapists and additional visiting specialists.
A variety of assessment methods are used: written essays, final dissertation, professional practice reports, music viva at the end of Year 1, and clinical presentations at the end of each year.