Course description
The focus in this Masters by Research is empirically researching and writing a supervised 25,000-word dissertation on an agreed and approved topic in Media, Cultural and Communication Studies. It is your opportunity to explore a topic of particular interest over an extended period and can be a very rewarding experience.
Your research, communication and writing skills will be highly developed by the end of this process. Also, your work can be used to further your job prospects in this field if your dissertation topic involves extended study of
media and cultural producers, audiences and/or texts in relevant areas.
The study of jou at Glamorgan has a long and successful history, and we were one of the first Higher Education
institutions in the UK to develop teaching and research in this inter-disciplinary field. The Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries is located in the heart of Cardiff, which will enable students to benefit from the diverse
cultural and educational resources offered by a modern capital city.
Brief Overview:
Study what you’re passionate about. As befits a cross-disciplinary field which straddles both the Social Sciences and the Humanities, dissertation topics can cover a very broad span, from the sociological to the literary.
Low contact hours makes this Masters particularly conducive to those who need to juggle work or family commitments with furthering their education.
The study of Media, Cultural and Communication in Glamorgan has a long and successful history as Glamorgan was one of the first institutions of Higher Education in the UK to develop teaching and research in this inter-disciplinary field. The staff team offers specialist guidance in many areas.
Course Content
You will study the following modules:
* Research Paradigms
* Research Practices
* Research Proposal
* 25,000-word dissertation and viva voce
* Research Journal to accompany the above, which is not formally assessed
How To Study
Teaching and learning will involve a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops and student presentations. Modes of assessment will include
essays, projects, individual/group presentations, a dissertation and a viva voce. Classes are conducted in the evening, allowing you the working day to further your dissertation, or to engage in paid employment. Limited but intensive contact hours allow for maximum flexibility in your study
patterns. You will be allocated two dissertation supervisors and meet with them regularly.
Career prospects
This Masters provides you with research training relevant for further qualitative research at MPhil and PhD level. It also develops your high-level qualitative research skills that are relevant to a wide range of research-based jobs in the creative industries.
Additional Information
This Masters requires students to accumulate 180 postgraduate credits, as follows:
•Introducing Qualitative Studies: 20 credits
•Developing Qualitative Studies: 20 credits
•a Presentation to the Media, Culture & Communication Research Unit: 20 credits
•a Research-in-Progress Report (at the start of the Spring Term): 20 credits
•a 25,000 word Dissertation: 60 credits
•a Research Journal to accompany the above: 20 credits
•a Vive Voce on the Dissertation: 20 credits
We have a wide range of staff specialisms that enables us to supervise a varied range of dissertations in the field of Media, Culture and Communication.
Media & Communication Studies:
•Communication Studies, Broadcasting Studies; Theatre & Film Studies, Journalism Studies
•Global Media; European Media; Community Media; Indigenous Media
•Alternative Media; New Media; Photography
•Media in Wales; Gender & Media; Politics & Media
•Old & New Media Theory; Communication Theory
•Media History; Media Policy
•Environmental, War & Terrorism Journalism; Risk Communication
Cultural Studies:
•Cultural Identity; Cultural Politics; Cultural Policy; Cultural Theory
•Globalisation; Cultural Globalisation
•Cultural Criminology
•Masculinities; Gender; Race
•Consumerism & Postmodernism
•Music & Popular Culture; Musical Cultures; Music & Identity
•Heritage Industry; Tourism & Promotional Culture
•Qualitative Research Methods in Media, Cultural & Communication Studies
•Auto/biography, Ethnography, Oral Histories, Narratives; Discourse theory