Comments about International Transport (MSc) - At the institution - Cardiff - Cardiff - Cardiff - Wales
To offer knowledge and expertise for a role in senior management in firms involved in transport operations on an international or national basis, working in the development and management of resources, or in a central government position.
Entry requirements
Entry Requirements:
The course is suitable for graduates in business administration, economics, engineering, maritime studies and related fields.
Applications will be considered from recent graduates with an Honours degree from an approved university or those with a similar level of qualification gained by other methods. Non-graduates with approved professional qualifications or work experience may also be considered under certain circumstances.
Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to pass either IELTS/TOEFL exams, obtaining a minimum score of IELTS band 6.5 or 570 in TOEFL (230 for computer-based marking).
Academic title
International Transport (MSc)
Course description
Course Information:
The course aims to develop the capacity to make an effective contribution at the highest level to the planning and management of international transport, international logistics or shipping undertakings. The programme of study for each student is selected from a wide range of options, so that a course can be tailored to his/her previous or current work, or may be designed to widen his/her range of expertise. Students are required to write a dissertation on an approved topic.
Special Feature:
* The MSc in International Transport is a business-orientated postgraduate degree scheme.