Study mode:
At the institution
BA Business Economics & Finance This is a contemporary course relevant to careers in business, management and professional economics, providing opportunities to examine the national and international dimensions of business activities and organisations. With the...
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Study mode:
At the institution
BA Economic Studies This policy-orientated degree will provide you with knowledge of the key issues in economics. Looking at both theoretical and policy-related areas, the course will develop your ability to use the analytical tools central to economics and will...
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Study mode:
At the institution
BA Economics Aiming to provide you with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of methods, theory and application in Economics, this course develops your ability to use economic reasoning in a variety of contexts. You will be examining a range of business and...
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Study mode:
At the institution
BA International Economics Knowledge of the international economy is becoming increasingly important in todays globalised workplace. This course equips you with an in-depth understanding of international and global economics, by offering modules which explore...
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Study mode:
At the institution
BSc International Economics & Finance This powerful combination of international economics and finance will provide you with a range of challenging and financially rewarding career options. The course equips you with a detailed knowledge of financial and economic...
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Education (Other Subjects)
Study mode:
At the institution
MA Education This course enables you to develop a theoretical framework within which you can analyse educational issues and, where appropriate, develop your own professional practice. It offers you the chance to plan an individual course of study, either by selecting...
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Education (Other Subjects)
Study mode:
At the institution
MRes Education This is an innovative qualification which allows you to develop generic research knowledge and skills whilst pursuing a subject-based research project. It differs from other taught Masters degrees such as MA, MSc and the LLM. It is a qualification...
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Education (Other Subjects)
Study mode:
At the institution
BA Education Studies London Metropolitan University is one of the largest providers of undergraduate part-time education courses in the UK. This focused course, which can be taken either full-time or part-time, provides a general introduction to the primary school...
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Education Administration
Study mode:
At the institution
MA Managing School Improvement This course is run by London Metropolitan University for local authorities and schools, or other organisations such as faith communities, who wish to develop the expertise of their teachers in the issues of leading school improvement....
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Educational Counselling (Guidance Counselling)
Study mode:
At the institution
MSc Student Assessment Assessment is the most critical part of a student’s experience. It has a significant impact on what students learn, is influentially related to career prospects and can have an important effect on student’s self-worth. Additionally, larger...
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Electricity, Electronics, Computing
Study mode:
At the institution
BSc Computing This course is designed for those students who wish to specialise in the development and maintenance of modern computer-based systems. There are four areas that characterise the course. The course develops the technical and non-technical skills necessary...
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Electricity, Electronics, Computing
Study mode:
At the institution
BSc Electronics Electronics is the enabling technology that underlies many recent advances in computing and communications. We aim to familiarise you with the engineering fundamentals of modern electronics, and to give you the knowledge to contribute to the electronics...
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Study mode:
At the institution
BEng Electronic & Communications Engineering This course focuses on the analysis and design of engineering products and systems. You can specialise in modern electronic system design or telecommunications systems. The use of IT within engineering is an important...
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Study mode:
At the institution
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages This course will offer you opportunities to develop a deeper, broader understanding of the language classroom, through a clear classroom focus in all taught modules. Observation and research tasks conducted in...
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Study mode:
At the institution
University Certificate in International Foundation Programme This course gives you the chance to spend a year preparing for a university degree course in the heart of London. You will be able to develop subject knowledge, English language skills and the study...
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English Language and Literature
Study mode:
At the institution
BA English Language Studies This course is designed for students who are fascinated by language in all its forms, especially as used in the workplace today. Exploring the structures and effects of non-literary language, the course develops your powers of analysis...
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English Language and Literature
Study mode:
At the institution
BA English Literature This course explores the principal genres and forms of literature in English, including Renaissance literature, 19th century literature, science fiction and contemporary literature, with opportunities to specialise. The course also has major...
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European Law
Study mode:
At the institution
LLM European and International Law This degree covers the increasingly complicated and specialised subjects of European Union and International Law. The course comprises the study of internal and external aspects of the European Union, and in particular considers...
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European Law
Study mode:
At the institution
LLM European Law The course is centred on the needs of the modern professional lawyer, working or intending to work in a European environment. Analytical, critical, communication and research skills will be developed to a postgraduate standard. You are encouraged...
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European Studies
Study mode:
At the institution
MA Comparative European Social Studies This unique course is comprehensively European in its curriculum, its academic staff, its students and its location. The academic focus of the course is the comparative study of social, youth and community work in which European...
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