Comments about Graduate Diploma in Psychology - At the institution - Wolverhampton - West Midlands
The course is designed to allow non-psychology graduates to convert their degree to a British Psychological Society (BPS)-recognised qualification - you may then pursue further training towards professional psychologist status The intensive nature of the course means that you can study all of the core areas of psychology as defined by the BPS in two semesters (September-January and February-June) In addition, you can choose two vocational modules which may reflect your future career ambitions You will study methodology and practical aspects of psychology The course also equips you with intellectual and transferable skills such as: communicating your ideas effectively in written and verbal form, constructing and presenting technical reports, information gathering from multiple sources, and applying academic theory to real-world issues
Entry requirements
You should possess a degree of at least second class Honours, containing approximately six months study of psychology
Academic title
Graduate Diploma in Psychology
Course description
Future prospects
Following successful completion of the Diploma, you can undertake further study towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist
Popular areas of psychology that invite postgraduate entry include clinical psychology, occupational psychology, educational psychology and counselling psychology
The course confers eligibility for Graduate Membership of the British Psychological Society and the Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR)
Typical modules may include
-Cognitive and Biological Psychology
-Personality and Individual Differences
-Research Methodology and Analysis
-Social and Developmental Psychology