FdA Fine Art

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Comments about FdA Fine Art - At the institution - Huddersfield - West Yorkshire

  • Objectives
    The course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in current and future employment or for progression to and undergraduate degree. The course will assist you to discover your creative identity within a broad range of specialist areas in the Fine Arts. You will develop a range of skills and techniques that will enhance your ability within the Fine Arts.
  • Entry requirements
    Entry Requirements 120 UCAS points BTEC Advanced GNVQ Art and Design* BTEC Pre-degree Diploma in Foundation Studies along with at least one A-level pass in either an art, craft or design related title* Adult Access course* BTEC National Certificate or Diploma or any other related title
  • Academic title
    FdA Fine Art
  • Course description
    Course Structure

    Core Subjects
    Drawing in Fine Art
    Developing Fine Art Language
    Historical Contextual Referencing
    Developing a Fine Art Identity
    Critical Study
    Visual Arts Professional Practice
    Work Based Module
    Optional Subjects may be offered in the following:
    Material and Processes in Fine Art
    Lens Based Recording Techniques
    Presenting and Exhibiting Art Work

    Curating and Participating in Exhibitions
    Digital Imaging
    Specialist Studio Practice

    Also, Fine Art with Community Education, Fine Art with Contemporary Writing, Fine Art: Painting and Drawing.

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