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Comments about FdA Early Years - At the institution - Poole - Dorset
The FdA in Early Years is designed to provide a means by which practitioners in early years care and education can obtain a recognised qualification in this area. Students undertaking this foundation degree should be in either part-time or full-time employment.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements: 80 points or NVQ level 3 or equivalent & be in appropriate employment
Academic title
FdA Early Years
Course description
FdA Early Years
Level C
* How Children Learn
* Personal, Social & Emotional Development
* Growth & Development
* Obeservation & Assessment
* Personal & Professional Development
* Work-based Unit
* Working with Children from Birth to Three
* Supporting Children in the Foundation Stage of Learning
* Supporting the Development of the Curriculum in Key Stage One
Level I
* Personal & Professional Development
* Working with Parents
* Managing Groups of Children
* Child Protection
* Specialised Unit - Project