European Landscape Architecture, MA

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Comments about European Landscape Architecture, MA - At the institution - Greenwich - Greater London

  • Entry requirements
    Entry Requirements A good honours degree in landscape architecture or equivalent. Applicants who also hold a diploma in landscape architecture, or equivalent, can apply for APL/APEL exemption from part of the programme. Design portfolio required
  • Academic title
    European Landscape Architecture, MA
  • Course description
    The programme is designed to be an enhanced, professionally accredited version of the Diploma in Landscape Architecture. It includes the full content of the Landscape Institute accredited diploma and is enhanced by giving students the opportunity to study in a continental European landscape school and to write a dissertation. Applicants from outside the UK are welcomed.

    The School of Architecture & Construction has many international students and has enjoyed close involvement with other European landscape schools for a decade. It was a founder member of the European Landscape Education Exchanges (ELEE) and includes the director of this exchange programme among its full-time staff. The programme derives from this involvement and is offered in co-operation with our partners. The long-term intention is for each of the partner schools to offer a Master’s award and a Master’'s-level semester abroad.

    Terms abroad are available from the ELEE schools. The programme leader is vice-president of the European Foundation for Landscape Architecture, which is the pan-European landscape architecture professional body.


        * Digital Landscape Design
        * Landscape Planning
        * Contemporary Landscape
        * Professional Practice
        * Individual Research Project
        * Dissertation

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