Course description
Course Description:
This course provides a broad hydrogeological and geoenvironmental training, including the theory of groundwater flow, groundwater resource assessment, groundwater geochemistry, numerical modeling of groundwater flows and contaminant migration,surface water hydrology, risk-based assessment of contaminated land and the legal framework for environmental protection.
1st six months (Taught Courses):
Water in the Environment; Hydrogeological Techniques; Advanced Groundwater Modelling; Land Contamination, Assessment & Remediation; Environmental Assessment & Regulation; Remote Sensing & Applied Geophysics; Transferable Skills; Hydrogeological Field Project Planning, Design & Management.
2nd six months (Project Work):
MSc project work undertaken on an industrial placement, or in collaboration with regulatory authorities, other environmental agencies and the British Geological Survey. Field-based project work leads to submission of MSc dissertation in September.
Special Features:
Strongly integrative approach in which students receive a broad hydrogeological and geoenvironmental training, equipping them for a wide range of careers.
Vocational and research training, with field-based courses developed in collaboration with officers from the Hydrogeological Division of the British Geological Survey.
Project work with consulting companies, regulatory authorities and other industrial partners is mainly through paid placements involving work experience and leading to excellent employment prospects.