Course description
The PG Certificate provides a new and innovative approach to work-based learning. It has been designed around three equal blocks of study with participants producing a portfolio or a project report - there will be no course work or examinations. You will be able to choose your start modules from either the evolving competency frameworks, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) requirements for Continuing Professional Deveopment (CPD), or a work - based project, which could be a piece of development work for your employer or some area of research you would professionally like to develop.
All modules will have to be completed, but the advantage of this approach to work- based learning is that through one 60 credit qualification you will be able to demonstrate that you have met your CPD responsibilities, 'topped up' your existing qualifications to meet the requirements of the emerging competency frameworks and undertaken a piece of work, all of which have been independently assessed by the University. At the end of the course you will have acquired additional skills to become more effective in the workplace thereby putting you in the path for promotional opportunities.
The course is very flexible with start dates usually in September or January (occasionally at other times through negotiation). You will only need to attend limited hours at University which can be arranged at convenient times for instance in short blocks or during evenings. It is anticipated that the course can be completed within a year although this can be extended to fit your needs. The University is conscious of the need to reflect work/life balance. For this reason it is anticipated that the modules could run concurrently, participants being supported with handbooks, support materials and access to a tutor. We will also be discussing with employers the role of workplace advisors to give direct support in the workplace
The University has designed this course with the collaboration of the CIEH.
Year 1 Modules
GE0258 Academic Recognition for CPD in Environmental Health Practice (CORE, 20 Credits)
GE0259 Health & Safety Enforcement Strategies (CORE, 20 Credits)
The modules are assessed through a combination of portfolios and project report.
The PG Certificate will enable you and your employer to demonstrate independent and accredited recognition of competence and may put you in the frame for promotional opportunities within your occupation.