Comments about E-Business and Innovation (MSc) - At the institution - London - Greater London
The programme is designed for graduates who wish to develop a thorough understanding of the importance of innovation for rethinking management, business strategy, corporate assets, intellectual property rights, institutions, organisations and firms in a globalised e-business world. The programme equips students with theories, principles and tools for analysing and coping with issues of e-business and innovation in a changing environment. It is relevant for those who aspire to become managers, business analysts, industrialists or deal with policy making.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements Good honours degree or equivalent. Two references: either from an academic source and a past or present employer, or two from an academic source. Non-native speakers need to provide proof of English language ability (equivalent to 7.0 IELTS).
Academic title
E-Business and Innovation (MSc)
Course description
The programme combines taught core and option modules. Compulsory and core modules are:
-Research Methods I
-Principles of Organization and Management
-The Economics and Governance of Innovation and Institutions
-E-business: Strategy and Policy
-Intellectual Capital and Competitiveness
-Innovation: Management and Policy
-Innovation Systems, Networks and Social Capital
-Social Networks in the Information Society
-Entrepreneurship and Innovation
-The Creative Industries and the Knowledge Economy
Students are able to choose option modules from a list of 35 postgraduate modules offered by the School of Management.
Lectures and seminars, including some by guest lecturers and speakers. You will also get a chance to go beyond the specialist taught elements through independent project or dissertation research supervised by a member of staff. This will allow you to draw tangible links between theory and practice in e-business.
Coursework and examinations, and also require a substantial piece of independent research in the form of a dissertation, which accounts for one third of the MSc.