Comments about Diploma Career Education - Online
Course content
Core modules
Optional modules
The modules are delivered directly by academic staff at the University and through the University accredited Teaching and Learning Centres. All modules require two day blocks of university attendance, except the independent study project, which will only be for one day. Independent learning is expected in all cases.
Assessment methods vary from module to module. Most modules involve practical application of the learning outcomes in a written assignment.
How do you study?
ttendance is part-time over one to three years at local centres or at the University. Module training sessions are arranged by the University's collaborative partners on a regular basis in response to demand and over a wide geographical base.
Other programs related to education (other subjects)
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
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+ Information by E-mailMA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
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+ Information by E-mailMA Educational Improvement, Development & Change
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+ Information by E-mail