Comments about Cyberspace Operations - At the institution - Bedfordshire - England
The course will specifically focus on responses to serious present and emerging threats in the information domain. The course enables the student to understand the context of the cyber domain from a military perspective. Whilst a technical understanding is an advantage, this course enables students from a variety of backgrounds to understand the drivers and constraints within cyber operations and how many roles need to integrate to provide an effective and cohesive operation.
The course specifically evaluates the current military doctrine and planning procedures across a variety of military and civilian contexts. It also evaluates the impact of cyber on control systems, leadership and decision making in the command and control environment.
Course Delivery
The course is taught through a flexible blend of compulsory residential courses, online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) activities and interaction and project based learning.
It has three components: a taught component comprising ten 10-credit modules (PgCert/PgDip/MSc); a 20-credit module; and an 80-credit research project assessed by dissertation (MSc).
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