Comments about Course in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - Online
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a version of Microsoft Visual Basic that is used with the Microsoft Office Applications, most notably Access and Excel. The course is designed to teach the students How to:
- Develop customised solutions using VBA
- Apply the object models to program effectively in the Microsoft Office System
- Take full advantage of extensive built-in VBA functionality
- Troubleshoot code using VBA's debugging tools
- Secure your code
Macros - the Quick Solution
The VBA Programming Language
The VBA Development Environment
Development and Troubleshooting
Using Functions
Code Production and Management
Cell Referencing
Control Structures
Interacting With Users
Other programs related to visual basic (visualbasic)
BEng Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Institution: University of Reading, Typography & Graphic Communication
+ Information by E-mailBSc Applied Computer Engineering
Institution: University of Reading, School of Law
+ Information by E-mailInstitution: University of Reading, School of Law
+ Information by E-mailBSc Applied Information Technology
Institution: University of Reading, Typography & Graphic Communication
+ Information by E-mailInstitution: University of Reading, Typography & Graphic Communication
+ Information by E-mail