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Comments about Course - Psychology (In the Workplace) - Online
Entry requirements
There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Academic title
On successful completion you will receive a UK Open Learning Certificate.
Course description
Course Overview
The course is designed to provide you with an overview and Introduction to understanding Psychology in the workplace.
This is an ideal course for anyone wishing to improve their skills in understanding and managing staff and understanding how to deal with events and find explanations for workplace psychological problems
Study Details
This course can be studied at your own pace and there are no deadlines for assignments, however you must complete the course within 12 months from the date you purchased the course. To complete this course it will take in the region of 100 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period.
As an UK Open Learning home learning student you will have access to your own personal tutor helping you with your course work and with any questions you may have.
Exam Details
Your course consists of the 12 Units and six Tutor Marked Assignments are required to be completed and sent to the college for marking.
You will find the Tutor Marked assignments set within your course, and these should be completed as and when you get to them.
There is no specific word count for the assignments, however you must prove to your tutor that you have fully understood the assignments. One sentence answers will be rejected.
Payment Method:
You can choose to pay in full at the time of ordering, or you can pay in monthly installments.
If you would like to pay in installments, we would need one of the installments as a deposit with your order (either by cheque or by credit/debt card) we will take the rest of the installments off the card for the remaining months. For further details on paying by installments please call UK Open Learning or e-mail.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Workplace Psychology
A definition of psychology
A study of the individual
The effects of the environment
The reality of the mind
Mental experience
Adaptation to the environment
Defining Psychology
Sensation and perception
Thinking processes
A description of imagery and its uses
The power and value of attention
Constructing the memory
The use of Sensation & Perception
Intelligence, knowledge and temperament
The formation of character
Deviation in character
The classification of temperament and character
Understanding Personality Concepts
Psychological testing
The preparation of selection tests
Vocational guidance
Testing of general intelligence
Testing for technical ability
Testing for other qualities and traits
Individual traits
Vocational selection
Training methods
Using Psychological Testing
Management requirements
The importance of managers
The factors required to achieve success in management
Choosing executives
Management of the Workplace
The physical environment
What are accidents?
Environmental effects
Accidents and the individual
Accident proneness
The Workplace Environment
Overall incentives
Workplace incentives
Incentives external to the working environment
The relational character of incentives
Social reinforcers as incentives
Labour wastage
How to Motivate the Workforce
Application blank
Psychological tests
The use of rating scales
Behavioural Psychology
Introduction to social psychology
Organisational groups
The influence of groups
Group think
The characteristics of industrial groups
Social assumptions
Problems between groups in organisations
Reducing the negative influences of intergroup competition