Course description
Duration of Course:
This is a one year daytime course with classes held over 2 or 3 days in the week
What does it include?
-The main learning aim is the OCN Level 2 Progression Diploma.
-This is a full Level 2 qualification including Maths, English, Science, IT, Study skills, Sociology.
-Students also study for the OCN Level 1 Progression Award, which includes Level 1 Maths, English and IT.
-In addition all students are also entered for Adult Numeracy and Literacy exams.
How will I be assessed?
The Progression Award and Diploma are assessed internally through class work, coursework assignments, practical work and tests.
The Adult Numeracy and Literacy are assessed by an external exam.
Where does it lead?
Successful students will be interviewed for progression onto the Access Life Science or Access Nursing programmes.
What do I need to get on to it?
This course is for mature students aged at least 19 on September 1 of the year of entry. There are no formal entry requirements, but all applicants are required to take tests in written English and Mathematics; those who achieve the required standard are then interviewed by the course tutors.