Course description
What is the course about?
The 15th century saw a dramatic change to more realistic trends in painting and sculpture both north and south of the Alps with such artists as van Eyck, Masaccio, Donatello, Memlinc. We shall consider what those changes were: the invention of the 1-point perspective system, the introduction of greater realism through 3-dimensional modelling, the change from painting with egg tempera to the use of oil, the introduction of new subjects such as portraiture and mythologies.
What topics will we cover?
• Origins and developments
• Artists and their contributions to the changes
• Patrons’ expectations
By the end of this course you should be able to:
• Identify the innovations
• Recognise whether works are earlier or later in the period
• Understand reasons for the changes
What level is the course?
For both beginners and those who already have some knowledge of the Renaissance
How will I be taught?
With slide lectures and student contributions and class discussion. There will be a class visit.
Are there any other costs (e.g. certification, materials, equipment or books I need to buy)?
No. Introductory books should be available from the library.
What feedback will I get?
By questions and contributions to class discussion and through the self-assessment form all students will be expected to complete. Your progress will be regularly assessed and monitored by your tutor taking into account class work and homework where appropriate. The tutor will record your progress and provide informal regular feedback throughout the course. You will receive regular feedback from your tutor throughout the course, as and when appropriate. At the end of the course you and your tutor are asked to assess the progress you have made.
Will I have a chance to give my views on the course?
Yes, please complete the evaluation form at the end of your course. These are monitored and help us to continually improve our courses.