Course description
What is this course about?
This broad course allows you to develop your skills in diverse and exciting ways through a range of design methods such as drawing, print, computer aided design, painting, collage, photmontage and mixed media. You will show a critical understanding of the historical development of Graphic Design within society and demonstrate this awareness in your coursework. Take a look at a gallery of coursework produced by students on this course.
What will I study?
A creative and imaginative approach to visual communication where you will develop a range of transferable skills and explore:
* Information graphics - signage, leaflets, maps
* Advertising- posters, leaflets
* Identity and branding - logo design, TV idents and storyboards
* Typography - typesetting, evolution of type
* Print making and illustration - editorial, graphic novels, pagination
* Computer aided design - Illustrator and Photoshop
* Image construction in both 2D and 3D - paper engineering and packaging
* Visual thinking.
N.B. - This course is not a continuation of the Product/DT based GCSE. The visual problem solving and presentation skills you have acquired if you study this GCSE are useful.
What can I do after the course?
Close to 80% of our A-level students progress to Higher Education. Alternatively, you could choose to enter employment. The course has a sucessful progression record to both Art and Design Foundation Diploma and directly on to Design related or Architecture degree courses. Media, advertising, marketing and business related degrees are also common.
Students who leave education or take a gap year find work in design related employment.