Course description
What is this course about?
This course combines English literature and language. You will study a wide variety of texts, ranging from English poetry to everyday conversations. In order to understand how the English language is working in these texts, you will learn about grammar and other linguistic topics. Written tasks range from original writing to analytical essays and investigations. It is an excellent preparation for further study of English at university and for any career or study choice.
What will I study?
# Literary Texts such as novels and poetry
# , Non-literary texts such as advertisements, newspaper articles and voice mail messages
# , Creative writing
# , Speech and conversation
In the second year you may go on to A2 Level Language and Literature. You will continue to study a range of texts from fiction and non + fiction, spoken and written, as well as studying poetry and drama.
Courses that are good to study alongside English Language and Literature are text based subjects like Film Studies, Media Studies, and Drama, as well as most Humanities subjects, and any subject that uses language.
What qualification will I get?
AS English Language and Literature after the first year of study. A-Level English Language and Literature after the second year.
What can I do after the course?
Close to 80% of our A-level students progress to Higher Education. Alternatively, you could choose to enter employment.