Course description
Duration of course:
One year full-time.
NB: Day-time programmes of study are available on a full-time basis, or part-time for those in receipt of DSS benefits and needing to satisfy the conditions of availability for work.
What does it include?
Four mandatory vocational units:
- Preparing to give quality care
- Effective communication skills
- Practical caring skills
- Health & Safety
PLUS two optional vocational units.
In addition your course contains:
- Key skills in Information Technology, Communications and Application of Number
- Careers advice and guidance
- Visits to health and social care organisations
- Tutorial support
- Optional Work Experience
How is it assessed?
Assessment is continuous via coursework and external tests.
Where does it lead?
The course is designed to introduce 16-19 year-olds to arrange of health & social care careers including: childcare, nursing & midwifery, youth work, social work, care workers support workers etc.
If students successfully obtain the qualification they may progress to an AS/A2 GCE Health & Social Care (Double Award), NVQ2 or NVQ3 in Early Years Care and Education or other advanced level provision. The course can be used as a stepping-stone into employment. The course is the equivalent of 4 GCSEs grade A-C.