Course description
Core courses
-Empire, State and Nation in the Twentieth Century: provides a comparative introduction to contemporary history, ranging broadly across Europe and beyond. Topics include theories of nationalism and imperialism, the changing nature of the twentieth-century state and the impact of total war on society.
-A second core course covers research skills, and a dissertation, involving intensive research, may provide a springboard for more advanced study.
You will take four options from a list which may include:
-After the Ottoman Empire
-Arab–Israeli Question
-Social History of Britain
-State Formation in Modern Europe
-Empires in Modern East Asia
-Gender in Britain
-Colonisation and Decolonisation in France
-Islam and Politics
-Themes in the Political History of Modern Japan
-Religion, Culture and Politics
-Political Change in Communist and Post-Communist States
-American Foreign Policy
-Disease and Society in Africa in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
-Immigration and Racism in Western Europe since 1900
-The Holocaust
-The Nazi State
-Themes in Russian and Soviet History.
-Teaching is mostly in small seminar groups of between five and 20 students per class.
Five essays and a dissertation of 15,000 words. Assessment in options offered through the School of Politics and Sociology includes essays and examinations.