Student Profile
This programme is designed for people seeking to understand and apply the principles of finance and financial control of a business. The course is particularly suited to the general manager with responsibility for a small organisation or a department, needing a broad understanding of a range of financial planning and management techniques.
Study Method
The course is designed for study by distance learning at work or at home. Students receive course manual, assignments and studyguide plus tutor support by mail and email.
Tutor Support
Students receive full tutor support by e-mail and post for a full 12 months from the day they receive the course.
Assessment takes the form of a series of tutor marked assignments, which can be sent to the tutor by e-mail or post. There is no word count for these assignments however you have to prove to your tutor that you have fully understood the question asked.
Awarding Body Information
NCFE is recognised as an awarding body by the qualification regulators ('regulators') for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The regulators are the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) in Wales and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland
Course Outline
Module A: book-keeping
- Why keep books?
- Book-keeping methods
- Introduction to VAT
- The analysed cash book
- Sales and purchase day books
- Reconciling the bank account
- Double entry book-keeping
- Single entry systems
Module B: Credit Control
- Cracking the credit problem
- Is my customer credit worthy?
- Credit control routines
- Debt recovery through the courts
- Statutory demands, insolvency and bankruptcy
- VAT and tax relief for bad debts
Module C: Costing & Pricing
- Pricing a product
- Costing a product
- Pricing a service
- Break even analysis
- Contribution theory
- Absorption costing
Module D: Management Accounting
- Budgets
- Cashflow
- Managing cash
- The trading budget
- The profit & loss account
- Management reports
- Manual accounting records
- Computerised accounting records
- Breakeven analysis