Course description
This very flexible single honours degree programme is for you if you expect to use statistics in your professional work. You will develop the capacity to formulate and analyse problems and to interpret scientific evidence using appropriate statistical methodology. A core of basic mathematics provides you with the fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills, and the basis for more advanced work later on. The core material is covered in the first three semesters, up to the mid-point of your second year. You develop your capacity to learn and apply mathematical ideas, to understand the significance and power of mathematics, and to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of those mathematical topics that any employer would expect of a mathematics graduate. In the second semester of your second year, you choose from a range of options in preparation for later, more advanced, course units in which you can pursue your mathematical interests. You can choose to do a final year project on a mathematical topic supervised by a member of staff.
Career opportunities
The study of Mathematics develops skills and knowledge which are of value in a wide variety of professions. A Mathematics degree is a good preparation for any area of employment requiring people who can think clearly and logically. The main areas of employment are finance, industry, computing (including operational research), management, administration, statistics, teaching (schools and colleges) and postgraduate study.
Special features
-Generous entrance scholarships are available.
-Small group teaching in the first year.
-Wide range of options in the third year.
-All undergraduate students have affiliate membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.