Course description
BSc Geography and Geology
First Year
This provides a broad introduction to key concepts and materials across the Earth Sciences. A residential course in Scotland, together with day trips, provide training in field geography and geology.
Second Year
You will study disciplines core to the Geosciences, such as Geographical Data Analysis, the Stratigraphic Record, and Depositional Environments. You have flexibility to choose from a range of options, including Palaeontology and Micropalaeontology, Magmatic and Metamorphic processes, Geographic Information Systems, Rivers and Coasts, Remote Sensing, Biogeography and Quaternary Environmental Change. Field training currently focuses on residential courses in Spain and Wales. In preparation for the third year you will propose and design an independent, normally field based, research project.
Third Year
Following on from your pathway of second year modules you will select and specialise in disciplines from a range of geomorphological, Quaternary, environmental, palaeontological, tectonic and field based options (e.g. based in California or Columbia). These modules provide an advanced insight into the history and evolution of life and the nature and development of the natural environment. Your presentational and communication skills will be enhanced by individual and group work, including completion of your independent research project.