Comments about BSc Computer Networking - At the institution - London - Greater London
Cisco is the world leader in computer networking. They develop all the hardware and software components of modern computer networking. The department is a certified Cisco Regional Network Academy and runs courses for the industry-standard Cisco Certified Network Associate qualifications (CCNA). As well as studying electronics and communications, multimedia and IT, mathematics and computing, you have the option to gain this valuable professional CCNA qualification (which requires an optional exam), giving you excellent e-commerce career prospects.
Entry requirements
You should have GCSE English and Mathematics at grade C or above (or equivalent) plus one of the following: 160 points from two A-Level/AVCE subjects, one of which must be: Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Engineering, Computing or Computer Studies; or pass BTEC National Diploma in a relevant subject with a minimum of 4 merits in the final year modules, excluding common skills.
Academic title
BSc Computer Networking
Course description
Course structure
Single Honours students take eight modules at each of three levels. Joint Honours involves four modules from each level, plus four from your other subject. You may also choose a Major/Minor combination after level 1.
Level 1
* Electronics for Networking
* Introduction to Networking
* Programming for Computer Science
* Mathematics for Networks
* Networking Basics
* IT Essentials
* Electronic Systems
Level 2
* Network Devices
* Operating Systems
* Local Area Networks
* Microprocessor Principles
* Decision Making for Technology-based Organisations
Level 3
* Network Project Preparation
* Network Project Implementation
* Wide Area Networks
* Data Communications
* Embedded Systems
* Computers and Ethics