The high quality of honours degree courses offered by the Department of Engineering and Technology has been recognised for many years. The Institution of Electrical Engineers has accredited these courses continuously since 1981. We received the maximum possible quality rating in curriculum, teaching, resources, student support and quality procedures in a recent assessment by the Higher Education Funding Council. These courses aim not simply to impart knowledge, but to prepare you for a successful career in the various branches of electronic and electrical engineering. They develop knowledge and skills across a broad range of technological areas, and transferable personal and business enterprise skills to support your future employment and accredited industrial experience. The whole package is designed to maximise your employment prospects, meeting both your needs and those of the engineering industry. The courses have an excellent employment record. They allow you time to decide which specialism you wish to pursue, whilst allowing you to achieve an award with a title that reflects your interests. The first two years are substantially common to all students, enabling you to defer your decision on the course specialism until the end of Year 2. The four courses are then differentiated by the specialisms reflected in the Year 4 modules and project topics. Choice in the taught modules at Year 4 provides further flexibility.